The mathematical model describes a tracer experiment that was conducted at the lake
Gaardsjon in Sweden, to investigate acidification of groundwater pollution. To conduct the experiment, a catchment of 1.000
m2 was covered by a roof. A tracer impulse consisting of Lithium-Bromide was applied with
steady state flow conditions. Tensiometer measurements of the tracer concentration were documented in a distance of 40
m from the center of the covered area.
The Mathematical Model:
The diffusion equations proposed by Van Genuchten and Wierenga are chosen to analyze the diffusion process and to get a simulation model.
A two-domain approach was selected in form of two equations, to model the mobile and the immobile part of the system.
The first one is needed for the so-called immobile part, that is the mass transfer orthogonal to the flow
direction, and the second one describes the diffusion of the flow through the soil by convection and
Cim(x,t)t = pim(Cm(x,t) - Cim(x,t))
Cm(x,t)t = Dm Cm(x,t)xx - Vm Cm(x,t)x - pm(Cm(x,t) - Cim(x,t))
The subindices 't' and 'x' or 'xx', respectively, denote the partial differentiation with respect to time variable t and space variable x. We suppose homogeneous initial values Cim(x,0) = Cm(x,t) = 0 and boundary conditions of the form
Vm (Cm(0,t) - C0) - Dm Cm(0,t)x = 0 , if t < t0 ,
- Vm Cm(L,t) + Dm Cm(L,t)x = 0
at the right boundary x=L . Cm(x,t) and Cim(x,t) are the tracer concentrations, Dm is the dispersion coefficient, and Vm the volume. Dm, pm, and pim are the unknown parameters to be estimated. Fitting criterion for which measurements are available, is
Vm Cm(L/2,t) - Dm Cm(L/2,t)
1. Andersson F., Olsson B. eds. (1985): Lake Gadsjon. An Acid Forest Lake
and its Catchment, Ecological Bulletins, Vol. 37, Stockholm
2. Schittkowski (2002):
Numerical Data Fitting in Dynamical Systems - A Practical Introduction with
Applications and Software,
Academic Publishers
The complete solution of a data fitting problem is described
in six
Then you would like to take a look at reports and graphs:
- parameter values
- experimental data versus fitting criterion
- surface plot of state variable
Model equations (or use your own favorite editor):
Measurement data (or use import function for text file or Excel):
Parameters, tolerances, and start of a data fitting run:
Numerical results (computed by the least squares code DFNLP):
Report about parameter values, residuals, performance, etc. (or export to Word):
Experimental data versus fitting criterion (also available for Gnuplot):
Surface plot of state variable (also available for Gnuplot):