Numerical Simulation of a Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell by
Partial Differential Algebraic Equations
K. Chudej, M. Bauer, H.J. Pesch, K. Schittkowski: in From Nano to Space, M.H.
Breitner, G. Denk, P. Rentrop (eds.), Springer, 57-70
The dynamical behavior of a molten carbonate fuel cell (MCFC) can be modeled by
systems of partial differential algebraic equations (PDEAs) based on physical
and chemical laws. Mathematical models for identification and control are
considered as valuable tools to increase the life time of the expensive MCFC
power plants, especially to derive control strategies for avoiding high
temperature gradients and hot spots. We present numerical simulation results for
a load change of a new one-dimensional counterflow MCFC model consisting of 34
nonlinear partial and ordinary differential algebraic-equations (PDEAs) based on
physical and chemical laws. The PDAE system is discretized by the method of
lines (MOL) based on forward, backward, and central difference formulae, and
the resulting large system of semi-explicit differential-algebraic equations is
subsequently integrated by an implicit DAE solver.
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